Agent B MiB
"think about how voted no. skillers who generally want to maximize their ONE account. they arent going to make muliple accounts to vote with. they dont have a dozen old accounts they have abandoned when the levels got too high. no, most of those that vote no, are adults that follow the rules.
think about those that voted yes. pkers are generally teens that have the attitude that they have the right to get what every they want. just look at how many people have posted on this thread about how its right to drop trade, or friend trade items to their secondary accounts. pkers generally have a lot of old accounts they no longer use, because their levels got to high, or they got a 2 on defense. they have no problem making new accounts, and they did.
fair? ive been argueing why its not fair to newb accounts to have to deal with players drop trading to noob accounts, i know what fair is.
learn what reality is before you post child."
I like how you did the whole 2 sides. Skillers voted no... And are mainly adults? While pkers voted yes, while being mainly teens/children.
Well, let's get that sorted out first. Not all skillers are adults, and not all pkers are children/teens. Neither are the mainly, primarily, or dominately of each. You have only created that speculation just as you and Phthartic created the whole "Unfair vote theory". I voted yes yet I am a skiller. I do not own any second account, nor do I pk let alone train combat(113, was 98 combat 2 years ago, started playing 7 years ago). So once again, I will say what you have just created to be complete BS.
Secondly, fair? You think it's unfair for the owner of a vast amount of wealth to move his/her wealth across accounts? Ofcourse, it could be multilogging if accounts were on at same time, but drop trading is the way around it. It's not unfair, it's not cheating. I do sense a bit of jealousy within you though.
Grow up... Child? Pathetic.
20-Jan-2011 23:55:46