
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-49-62042278

Anima Jonesy
Aug Member 2008

Anima Jonesy

Posts: 1,380 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.25M votes roughly. 91% voted yes, 7% voted no... Doing the math, 1,137,500 roughly voted yes. 87,500 voted no. Now, as we all know, not EVERY yes voter voted more the once. But to make you happy, let's pretend EVERY yes voter voted exactly 10 times each. That's 113,750 yes voters who voted 10 times each. Let's pretend the no voters are as innocent as they say. You know what, let's pretend they were soooo innocent, they only voted 1 for each person. So that's 87,500 no voters still.
Even if they were so widely non-proportionate like so, there were still more yes voters overall.
Secondly, I can guarantee you 100% that the percentage of Yes voters who voted more then 5-10 times is the roughly the same, if not exact, percentage as how many no voters did the same by voting 5+ times.
EDIT: In other words, if 100% yes voters voted 10 times each, then 100% no voters also voted 10 times each, making 113,750 yes voters vs 8,750 yes voters. The ratio is the exact same.
Third off, there is no rule against the idea of voting two or more times on separate accounts. How is it cheating? The vote is justifiable, it is not in any way manipulated or lopsided. It was a 100% fair vote.

20-Jan-2011 20:00:41 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 20:02:51 by Anima Jonesy



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Mystic Monad

19-Jan-2011 23:58:40
....If Jagex meant it to be different, they would have had to balance out the mining and smithing exp in the finished product. ...
Andrew, the one guy that would know, said that the difference between the mining exps and the smithing exps WAS INTENDED to be an incentive for smithers to help lower level smithers by turning their drops into armor and weapons.
...Obviously Jagex is not trying to balance all the skills, because some skills are far slower to level than others ...
there is a ballance between the speed of the skill, its usefullness and the money you can make with it. exceptions are con (which cost money and isnt that fast, but its a cash sink) and summoning (another cash sink, but possible to make more money from what it gives).
Mystic Monad

20-Jan-2011 13:38:53
Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 13:41:00 by Mystic Monad
..On the second vote, the so-called "referendum," ...
the problem is there were two votes and most people that went to the first didnt realise there was a second. since they had already either "mistake vote" or read where their vote no was suppose to be by their silence, most didnt go back to vote again.
...Companies that don't respond to and serve their customers go out of business. Why would Jagex rig a vote in order to do something most of its customers didn't want done? It makes no sense at all...
first off, its something they wanted all along. they said they hate removeing it, but had no choise.
2ndly, they know that a lot of people threaten to quit over the removal but didnt, and they figure the majority of the skillers and such will not either. they are hoping to return more then they lose. they figure the game will survive either way.
...Now there is a vocal minority opposing the will of the majority..
wrong. a vocal minority is opposing the will of a larger minority. the majority didnt voice its opinion.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

20-Jan-2011 20:05:01 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 20:18:32 by dunforgiven



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anima Hanky

20-Jan-2011 20:07:26
@Agent B MiB
Construction isn't *ast? It's able to go over 400k xp per hour. If your even richer, it can be well above 800k an hour. That is very fast in my opinion
i said "that fast". yes, if you can afford it, it can be a lot faster.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

20-Jan-2011 20:11:15

Anima Jonesy
Aug Member 2008

Anima Jonesy

Posts: 1,380 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Agent B MiB
Let me re-quote what you re-quoted.
You replied with "That fast". Well you originally stated "isn't that fast". And you can also exceed 400k per hour with only 40m cash for 80-99. That is very cheap, only a weeks worth.

20-Jan-2011 20:14:44

Apr Member 2007


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You say the site is orientated towards the PK community.
Personally I agree with this statement.
Prime Example.
The latest poll of what will you do when the wildy returns.
I dont see a "carry on with what I was doing before" option
Or is everyone supposed to don their best stuff and go running into the wildy!!!!!
In answer to that poll, I will be earning cash and skilling, chatting to friends and having fun.

20-Jan-2011 20:16:44



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anima Hanky

20-Jan-2011 20:14:44
...And you can also exceed 400k per hour with only 40m cash for 80-99. That is very cheap, only a weeks worth...
for some people, yes, for others, its months if not years.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

20-Jan-2011 20:19:35



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lil Shorty16

20-Jan-2011 14:20:08

20-Jan-2011 11:37:41
...Responding to your post! Think about why the PVP servers are lower than in days of past...
its simple. most people are not pvp/pkers. they dont go to those servers because they dont wan to pvp or pk. true pvpers would skill in those servers, because they are hardely ever touched. ive have even done some skilling in those areas when i was mining runite because there wasnt anyone around to worry about
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

20-Jan-2011 20:22:58

Anima Jonesy
Aug Member 2008

Anima Jonesy

Posts: 1,380 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

20-Jan-2011 20:16:44
You say the site is orientated towards the PK community.
Personally I agree with this statement.
Prime Example.
The latest poll of what will you do when the wildy returns.
I dont see a "carry on with what I was doing before" option
Or is everyone supposed to don their best stuff and go running into the wildy!!!!!
In answer to that poll, I will be earning cash and skilling, chatting to friends and having fun.
The poll is optional, you have no need to vote so you have no need to whine and troll.
The poll asked about what you will do when wild returns. If the wild isn't what you were interested in, who cares? Just go on with what you were doing before.
EDIT: I'm still waiting for Phthartic's response. It appears he either has no further dumb complaints or he's trying to find a specific number that does not end up with the same exact ratio (Impossible though, every outcome will be the exact same).

20-Jan-2011 20:26:45 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 20:28:08 by Anima Jonesy



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anima Hanky

20-Jan-2011 20:00:41
Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 20:02:51 by Anima Hanky
1.25M votes roughly. 91% voted yes, 7% voted no... Doing the math, 1,137,500 roughly voted yes. 87,500 voted no. Now, as we all know, not EVERY yes voter voted more the once ...
do the math yourself.
not everyone voted with only one acccount.
some of them voted with 20 accounts.
the average is 10.5. since we have no idea how many voted only once and how many voted 20 times, there is no way to say that the vote was closer to 1 or closer to 20. since the ratio was 13 to 1, that means if the average was 14, then we have more no votes than yes. if the average was 12, then the yes votes have a small advantage.
now take into account that jagex ENCOURAGED players to make mulitple accounts, i would have to say the average was higher than 13. add that people were told to vote no by not voting, and its highly unlikely the majority of players voted yes.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

20-Jan-2011 20:33:58 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 20:34:58 by dunforgiven

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