I think it's funny seeing all the active community members boycotting this. Personally, I quit RS a while back, but I began playing some time in 2004, and played on and off until 2009 or so. This change will do wonders for Jagex. I'm not sure if others remember, but the "uprising" that occurred when Jagex first instated this double-whammy was huge. EVERYONE was against it. I know entire clans that quit at that point.
The problem with the update is two-fold. Free Trade should be a no-brainer. Prices determined by the community are technically already instated in the game, all Free Trade is prevent any circumstances. There are a few times when I myself might have returned if my rich friends would've lent me some money. Of course, they couldn't. Because of trade limits.
The whole wilderness thing was even worse, as it didn't just restrict the current system, it eliminated it. Since removing wildy PvP Jagex has constantly been trying to ease the blow the community suffered with BH, then PvP worlds. The problem with the wildy?
A. People were getting lured.
Whoop** doo. If people walk off a cliff, they fall. I guess we should build fences around every cliff-side. Yes, newer players can get tricked, but new players learn from old mistakes. Removing risk in the game is counterproductive.
B. People could "trade" by dying with the intended items. Well, since Free-Trade is back, that's a non-issue.
Now, I'm not returning to RS, but let me just say, this change will certainly benefit Jagex greatly, and while you may see botting and gold-selling go up, who cares? That doesn't affect you beyond "dang, I missed that tree!". I commend Jagex for FINALLY realizing that what they did so long ago was WRONG. I never thought that possible, but they're making amends with their old players.
Congratulations on the vote.
17-Jan-2011 15:28:58