im skillers9
17-Jan-2011 13:44:05
then it fails they shouldnt make up stuff and not go through with it
there is more too it that simply deciding if it returns. its how it returns as well.
do you think its good buisness to give a small percentage what they want in such a way that you bring back 3 percent that left and lose 30 percent because of the way you did it?
on the other hand, if they can do it without causing the 30 percent to leave, then they have a good update. the ballancing is the hard part.
allow me to delinerate the groups.
1) wildy pkers. this is about 8 percent of their players, but only a small part of that (about 2-3 percent of the whole) actually left.
2) merchants: most of these adapted, but another small amount left. considering that they were only 4 percent to begin with, it was less than 1 percent.
3) skillers that like risk. they remained and would remain with the wild return.
4) questers. if jagex leaves the quest in the wild, they will not be happy and the same percentage will quit as did the pkers and merchants, and will not return. this group is three times that of the merchants and pkers combined, so if the same percenate leaves, jagex will lose three times what it gains. not good buisness. moveing the quest out of the wild solves this.
5) skillers that want the risk to equal the gain. despite what many people claim the rewards here are not great, so the risk should *** be that great. risk is ok, but not that much risk. if jagex forces us to run this risk, or become part of a clan in order to handled this risk, a good percentage of the players will quit. is it worth bringing 3 percent back if you lose 10? think not. the solution is to have worlds that are not risk or have ways that people can do it without risking more than they are now. jagex has stated that they will move the revs so if a new abyss is put where they are, and its about the same distance or even a small amount farther, then it works for everyone.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
17-Jan-2011 14:09:07