Free trade would be fine as it teaches ppl [sadly]
that you must pay attention as very few honest ppl are around. many trade for profit & the more profit the better -
for them anyway - in life we have to know the values in a trade - but even the best traders can loose.
But really the PVP part of player killers is just wrong.
in a game or in life. People should not kill each other for
PLEASURE [yes i shouted] (kill me) lol
seriously i know how easy it is to kill another person in a game.
where i grew up it was easy to kill people in real life as we all accepted it as "normal" life [yes very sad]
we were conditioned to view another persons death very casually because it happened often.
the details are not needed here or anywhere in real life.
this is supposed to be a game for fun. And killing People
should never be enjoyed as "fun" Amusement?
human life is not to be consider a cheap commodity to be
taken by any other human. [yes i am very serious about this]
taking another humans life for fun is Not healthy for anyone.
So i appeal to the good senses of the game controllers to
stop player killing as it "teaches" people how easy it is to kill other people.
yes often people will join a clan or "gang" to attack & kill other players.
this also is real. and Please do not ruin the progress
that has been made in cutting back & controlling player killing to PVP worlds.
thank you for puting this up for a vote.
I would also ask that this "topic" & choice to Vote
be posted in the lobby as many players choose to Login
and miss these important chances to speak our opinions.
Jagex this a bad way to go.If you bring back unlimited trading you will bring back the problems in 2007 and further back.You will have people use real life money to buy items and gold pieces.This will ruin your game and problem cause millions to quit Runescape.So if you bring back the wilderness and unlimited trade i will be leaving Runescape.
There aren't millions of players even available tpbquit runescape lol.
Wow, the biggest game ever, has rwt going on all the time and it's not ruined nor do people quit because of rwt.
I've done it myself -.-
lol at that guy that says hes going to quit if they bring it back , do you understand how many people dont play now because they took wild off u will be gone and ill jst estimate about 50 others that will quit cause of wild and free trade but then again rs will be how it was always supposed to be and gain all the people back that quit a long time ago -50 +5000
To everyone "boycotting" this poll:
how dare you?
how dare you complain and threaten to quit the game in 2007 when jagex took the wilderness away? and now you complain that they are giving it back? what on earth is wrong with you? also to all those who think the poll is "unfair" because supposedly there wasn't a "no" option on the poll. if you looked carefully there actually IS. You idiots just decided to click "OK" all ***** nilly because to wanted to give your two cents worth of thought.
well you just voted in favour of everything you "fight" against**** needs this. It needs to have the dangerous wilderness. Dont you sit at the edge of your seat whilst walking through for fear of pking clans?
and RTW-ing? who cares? jagex will catch them eventually and you can carry on slogging away to make your millions. people have been botting since runescape started 10 years ago regardless of taking away the wilderness and RWT-ing and the G.E has made it even easier for botters to sell their "tainted" goods.
so how about those of you complaining about this update which i hope to good god actually comes to realisation, just sit down, be quiet, and watch the votes pile in on something you really. really do not want. because then you'll feel exactly like the pkers did in '07. You'll feel unheard for once. You'll feel abandoned by your game creators. and you'll feel like your opinion means nothing in the community
Welcome To The Real World