Anima Hanky
20-Jan-2011 23:55:46
...Well, let's get that sorted out first....
do you understand what the word "mainly" means. it doesnt mean "EVERYONE SINGLE ONE IS". it means the majority are. ye, im sure that out of a million and a quarter,there were a few adults that voted that way, and im sure there were a few skillers that voted that way, and im sure tere were a few one account users that voted stictly on the one account, but all of these are in the majority.
on the other side, yes, there are some mature teens that skill, and voted no. there is even a possibility that a few pkers voted no.
...but drop trading is the way around it. It's not unfair, it's not cheating. ...
drop trading to your second account both vialates the rule concerning account interaction, and is unfair to the players that have to earn the money on low level accounts. it is both unfair and cheating. this isnt an opinion its a fact stated by jagex.
since you dont know the rules. here is it in plain black and white.
"4. Can I give items to another player from one of my accounts, so that they can then give the items to another character that I play?
No, this goes against the rule. You may not transfer items between your accounts in any way"
Location: Home > Customer Support > Rules of RuneScape > Multiple logging-in
when you learn why its unfair for your low level account to have money it didnt earn when facing another account that has no one to earn money for it, then ill stop treating you like the child you are. all you can see is how unfair it is for you to be able to earn it, and not use it on the account you want. thats is a childs view: "me only" children only see unfairness when it is against them. when they have the advantage, they cant see how its unfair to the other person.
THAT is the attitude most players wanting pking back have shown.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
21-Jan-2011 10:47:14
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2011 13:00:08