You would have been right at home on this thread 1500 pages or so back. I researched the difference over several hundred pages between the vote cheating proclivities of supporters vs opponents (see page 774), and I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised to learn there was NO evidence of voting multiple accounts (or voting OTHER peoples accounts on the first vote) on the part of opponents and HUGE amounts of it on the supporters side. They really seem to believe that cheating the vote was perfectly acceptable and merely demonstrated an enthusiasm that we opponents simply lacked.
The scary thing is realizing that these opinions of theirs no doubt transfer to their attitudes on real life voting.
I agree with most of what you have said, and as usual, an opponent uses well written and well reasoned argument, while supporters just illiterately blather on about whining, etc. Nothing has changed on this thread since I left a thousand pages ago. The arguments and suggestions don't seem to have changed on either side.
It has long since been proven over and over which side generally has the more honest, fair-minded, open-to-compromise, and mature players. Unfortunately the other side represents a ton of money from new or renewed memberships, so as you said, it was decided (long before the first vote was announced) that this plan was going forward. The rest of us just get to deal with the return of rampant incivility to the game. (I agree with your choice of the word "murder;" it was a frequent choice for me too.)
16-Jan-2011 21:39:37