Note: there WILL be sarcasm…
Congratulations, you have successfully pandered to the whining, screaming, kicking players who have rioted, howled, cried, and screamed for the wilderness and free trade to return for the past 4 years. EVEN THOUGH the official stance was “we pay no attention to rioting and/or whining”, the real-world has shown us that if you kick, cry, wah-wah-wah and demand long enough and loud enough, the Administrators just might listen and take affirmative action! Bravo!
The Vote: a *ham. I tested this theory when I realized it was “one Character one Vote” instead of “One Person One Vote”. Player A has 6 characters, and 4 email addresses that he has not yet registered to create an account. He then goes to the referendum site and uses all 6 characters to vote. He then creates 4 new accounts with his 4 addresses in the short time the referendum is open and uses those 4 accounts to vote AGAIN. All 10 of these votes count towards what he wants. I tested the theory with 2 of my own accounts and 1 address, and each vote counted where I placed it. Additionally, players who may have wanted the wilderness back but NOT the free trade system, or vice versa, had absolutely no choice in the matter; it was all, nothing, or “I don’t care”. Despite what some people say, Trade and the Wilderness DO NOT go hand-in-hand naturally; they complement each other, but free trade existed in Classic LONG before the Wilderness did, and things were just fine.
(Note: before you say it, YES that method could be used to give an advantage to both yes and no voters. I am not admonishing based on the results, but based on the availability of the sneaky method.)
16-Jan-2011 18:07:44