16-Jan-2011 02:27:56
...There you go again with your inaccurate statisics. Your going on numbers based on what you feel is accurate when in reality, they're just made up. ...
it isnt made up facts, it common sense.
in ever battle between two pkers, half loses. if he isnt skulled, he keeps 3 or 4 items, but the rest of it is gone.
lets take an example. two pkers meet each having 1m gp worth of armor, weapons, food and pots.
lets say the winner is the one that is skulled. the loser keeps 500k worth of armor, and weapon. that means he lost 500k.
does the winner get all of it? **, *ecause the loser most likely used some expendables. likely upwords of 100k, plus the winner used the same expendable.
that means the winner got a increase of 300k while the loser lose 500k.
now look at a long term look.
100 player each have 100 fights over a period of time. likely 1 of them will win all 100 of his battles, and 1 will lose every single fight. the rest will lose some of the battles and win some of them. because there not all equally good, some will win more than other. what you have is likely a bell curve where a number of them win some where close to 50 percent, but only a few win the majority of fights, and the same number lose the majority of their fights.
now remember that ever single one of those fight is going to lose a lot of money, around an average of 100k (not spacific, but a good number to use), in expendable, such as runes, food, pots and arrows. some of them will win things like armor and weapons (including runes), but the average (number 50 in standing) will end up losing some money.
it is normal math. even a third grader should be able to figure it out?
100 people having 100 fights with each other is 5k fights in that time. if they use 200k expenables in each fight, thats 1 billion gps that someone has to make up. the top fighters will not and the bottom ones will most likely buy theirs, but the ones in the middle will go for skillers.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
16-Jan-2011 05:12:05