
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 717 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think its unfair u cant vote for 1 u have 2 vote 4 both...u should be allowed to choice!!! and u cant vote no u click vote its an auto YES >****; how many voted yes on accident? should been multi choice...make free trade like the 240k 6mon on fl...wild comes back I see the 4 mems in this house quitting...and I know alot more that will 2 ...

21-Dec-2010 19:50:41 - Last edited on 21-Dec-2010 19:52:13 by [#Q61ZC6JL2]

Ward FE
Dec Member 2022

Ward FE

Posts: 3,418 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, you are early...For april fools...
Maybe i wouldn't be concerned so much.... if you done this on aprils fools...
WHY ARE YOU DESTROYING OUR GAME? Do not forget, we pay your saleries, we pay for your food, we pay for your everything...
Red Dragoon the Red

To be forgotten is worse than death

21-Dec-2010 19:50:45



Posts: 134 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As a born pker my opinion is without any doubts that a deevolution is *hat we need! I've been playing runescape for over 7 years now. I remember when I started playing runescape in 03" and a friend of mine had told me that if you would keep walking to the black horizon you would eventually reach the wilderness after those 7 years I have never found what's at the end of that horizon but eventually I did findd what I was looking for, the wilderness. The act of killing people and taking their items and then merchanting these through was simply all I did and enjoyed it and so did many others the game had what a gamed needed having skills could make you rich and not just in-game skills such as a decent strenght level, no real life skills such as having a good insight in the runescape economy would make you a good merchanter, being sneaky and unexpectable would make you a great pker. In 2007 the wilderness had been removed and there was no longer any economical freedom you could say that the game had evolved from a capatalistic economy to a communistic economy in somme ways. This poll puts two contrares face to face. A controlled economy or a free economy. I have made my vote... have you?

21-Dec-2010 19:50:49

Dog Breth7

Dog Breth7

Posts: 23 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have played since 2006 and i loved the freedom of free trade and the old wilderness. But.... I personnaly think they should but make it still regulated some what like. That not all worlds will have a wildernesses you can attack people in.(also won't make it dangerous to go to minigames in the wilderness). Also with free trade they should make there a limit but make it an outrageous limit(such as 1mil maybe or 500k something like that) but thats all you can give in like a 48 hour period. And for the scamming thing.....tell all the newb* that get scammed to report people!!! They just better have some way of countering real world trading! If free trade and free wilderness does come out again it will probably deal a major blow to the private servers.

21-Dec-2010 19:51:23 - Last edited on 21-Dec-2010 19:54:55 by Dog Breth7



Posts: 317 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ok so i have a few questions,
if this is voted for with a majority, will there still be the GE trade price at the bottom of the trading window? (still not sure)
if i click "Vote now" will it vote a yes for me? (LadyOfHonor clarified, thankyou :) )
and finally, will the wilderness be in every world? or just designated worlds? if every world the gf clues... (still not sure)
thanks if i get a response
~Da Fuzz
PS: i know i posted this already, but i really want answers so i can know weather to vote or not :| sorry

21-Dec-2010 19:52:21 - Last edited on 21-Dec-2010 19:55:48 by ChoGath

Dec Member 2014


Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello to all Jagex staff,
I would just like to say that even though a lot of people want old wildy back, and everyone wants no trade limit, you should keep in mind that the current settings arre great also.
I would like to give you an idea.
1. Make worlds that have the old wilderness style without revenants but with a lot of fighting.
people still want to be able to make clue scrolls in the wilderness without being ganged for the loot.
Also there is a lot of training places in the wilderness that would die if you add the old wildy to every world
2. the trade limit is great, DO NOT remove it. Simply add the option to give away stuff.
You could call the option Gift.

best Regards Kuradex, aka Alex.
Slaying is the only way.

21-Dec-2010 19:53:21

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