I've been a player since 2002 maybe 2003, not sure. I have seen the game change and evolve over the past years. When the trade limit and the Wilderness went it was a shock to all players not only pkers. PvP doesn't really Replace the Wilderness..if you know what I mean? Like, you can't really predict what drop you will get.. It could be swordfish or a Vesta's Longsword. In the old Wildy travelling across the wilderness was actually VERY dangerous for all players. Revs don't quite do that job, you can still teleport if your teleblocked.
On another subject with trade limit removed I could no longer merch. There are merch clans but the owner of the clan is the only person who makes the money. This also stopped me giving friends Runescape gifts like Armour or spare gold I had.
Overall Real world Trading will never be stopped. There will always be websites that will lure players into buying Gold or items from their website. For me, The Wilderness makes Runescape and I'd love it to come back to how it was before. It would give new players more reason to play. Hope you do Bring back the Wilderness and No-Trade limit Jagex. It would be 2011's best update by far!
Hope you all have a Great Christmas!
i voted but wanted to vote no
didnt read threw propely
I strongly disagree with bringing back old trades you people of jagex saw the problems u whitnessed the markets of runescape crash and burn and you stood up against it well done ive been a loyal paying member of runescape for about 12 years now ive seen many changes and i have to say that fixing the trade limit while annoying many members saved runescape
The main issue is ofcause buying rs gold gold became a useless comodity within the game. Loyal players as myself could not afford anything. Those who bought rs gold would drive prices of items sky high
Power leveling again prayer/herblore and many other skills would be so simple to hit 99 in u simply put £30 into the game and pay your way
Old wild is fine by me u can leave it as u do about pking now but have the old wild there they wont drop the items they r wearing but will still drop items of value
People will say you have not stopped rwt and i agree you will never be able to stop it fully accept that but you have but a big dent into the gold farming companys as its one thing to risk £10 being scammed but many many players would not hand over there pass to claim rs gold
I could ramble all day about rwt and how it ruined the game for many many honest players and i do realise that people want to help friends out but there r other ways im sure dont cave in jagex. The trade limit saved runescape and bringing it back would ruin it. I know i would quit as ive seen the sheer good that trade limits have bought the game new items can now be controlled and those who work hard for there money are still in with a chance of buying the items they desire. Once u can buy rs gold prices would soar upwards
the last thing ill say is sorry about the poor grammer once i start typing away i get carryed away and dont remember the punctuation but i erge you jagex to not cave people r always talking about the good old days not just trade limit
21-Dec-2010 19:48:37
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21-Dec-2010 19:51:15
I should also mention when I hit vote, I really wanted to vote no. Also, will the GE stay? I mean to tell you the truth, all I know is we will get free trade and old wildy, and NOTHING else. I do not wish to directly attack Jagex, but if this goes through, I am not staying around much longer. If you were going to change it no matter what, just say so and do it. Not make some ill advised poll that even 4chan could mess up.
Im just wondering, but why not make a "Vote for" and "vote against" option...if you really want to see what the majority of players think, why not a straight vote?
I hope Jagex is just trolling us. I really do!
Jagex has lost thier minds.
If not; then I will finally say for the first time RuneScape will become RuinedScape... :-/
This made me lol.
From my point of view it looks like another easy way to make money. How much money do you get from the advert on the wilderness page?
"make sure you get everyone who feels the same way to boycott this vote"
If this wasn't enough you also said;
"Simply put in your character name and if you want to stay anonymous just tick the box"
How much votes of the current 110,000 votes are ligit?
What are you going to do about RWT?
21-Dec-2010 19:49:24
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21-Dec-2010 19:50:08
Free Trade = Bot Farmers making millions out of Jagex yet again.
Sorry but really bad idea.
We dont want it back to 2007 days where 1000's of bots all chopping Willow and Yew tres to sell for Real Cash do we Jagex?
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