@demondrug x
Stay off the drugs... Your over reacting.
"i think we all made a massive mistake with bringing back wildy. why? because the weapons are too overpowered."
- weapons arent too overpowered, they are just more powerful than what they once were.
"protect item means everysingle rushing noob will be able to rush anyone."
- With the way the said it, it seems that everyone will have an automatic protection for one item, which I believe shouldn't go through. The rules need to stay same as they once were.
"dragon claws? godswords? and now korasi sword? for 250k! the whole game is completely ruined."
- The game isn't ruined because of these super weapons, it just makes pking more worthwhile. What if you kill someone and they didnt have thier prayer on, or they're prayer runs out and you get a godsword or d claws?
"nothing can make runescape what it once was anymore."
- I for one don't want Runescape to be EXACTLY how it was. But i would like to see the original wilderness and free trade limit returned.
"everything is too overpowered and overpriced. what happened to whip and dds pking?"
- I still do, and still will pk with my whip and dds as its fast and most times accurate.
Your going on about nothing really...
15-Jan-2011 01:00:12