First of all, the wild isn't supposed to be an enjoyable place for non pkers. Ever. It is supposed to be DANGEROUS. Wow, go figure.
Secondly, the number of people who support this so far out weighs those who don't, that you quitting will actually be meaningless when put in perspective. Other than we who want this will have that many fewer people complaining about such a popular part of the game.
Finally, the way they did this is not sneaky. In fact, even though you don't see the front page every time you play, you should have seen the announcement they placed on the lobby page when you log in. Wow, reading the banners made for you by jagex, what an idea. You know, I think that's why so many noobs complained about loosing their "good items" in the wild in the first place: not reading the warning signs.
Good fight and good riddance.
14-Jan-2011 22:30:18