"Although the wildy was the main place where those trades were completed"
That is completely inaccurate. If someone bought mills worth of items from a RWTer, they would not turn to the wilderness to kill and take up the money. They would simplily trade between accounts.
The wilderness is one of the most INCONVIENT places to RWT, why?
- Pkers patrol the wildy.
- You have to be around the same level to trade without going too deep in the wilderness.
- You can die before making it out.
- You can simpily trade instead of going through the trouble of using the wilderness.
"Angel answered any question I asked him and satisfied anything else i wondered, sorry if he didnt do that for you."
I was talking to Agile, not Angel.
Agile said the following.
- - - - - - - - -
"It isn't misleading idiot. It's fact." - AgileLegend
P.1974, C.2
"HAHA! morons like you using "trolling" terms now days." - AgileLegend P.1976, C.4
"The Wilderness contributes to so much RWT idiot. If you can't work the out then wow please go back to school or pay attention in school at least. You need to seriously develop you're mental ability." AgileLegend P.1974, C.4
"None of that was offensive...
You should really learn your differences." - AgileLegend P.1987, C.8
"You are proving yourself moronic and It's not my fault. It's not an insult if you're proving me right." - AgileLengend P.1987, C.8
"Do you have altimeters disease?" - AgileLegend P.1979, C.9
- - - - - - -
All of that said without giving a valid point and without me throwing any childish insults back at him.
He was obviously a flamming troll and you and him were playing "buddy-buddy" the whole time.
I tried to see his point of view but he was being too childish and when ever he did say something, it didnt make any sence.
I wasnt trying to get him to agree with me, and he wasnt wrong for voting "No". But i saw no convincing reason to consider his vote a good choice.
14-Jan-2011 20:09:48