there are clue scrolls involving wilderness locations in the current non-pvp wilderness. if they are not able to be complete in pvp, ask for that in pvp, don't ask to pvp in non-pvp because you're unhappy with pvp.
don't ask for free trade without a valid reason. if you think you have a valid reason, test it and see.
in my opinion....those who have been are the people who had to click accept on the trade screen. Also, it is not anyone's fault except for your own that you weren't careful. Being careful means being patient and reading through the conditions of the trade.
also a very valid reason is community and courtesy, two very viable reasons....if i want to give my friend something or some money and not lend it and be nice enough to give, i want to be able to. It also lets us, the players, control the runescape market once more. Law running, staking, and everything from the old days is back. with any luck fally garden and laws for k will return with it
Wasn't the Vote surposed to end today at 12:00pm? I live in u.k and i would of thought it would of ended by now?... and ideas? i Just wana know if they gona bring it back i can'ttt waitt!!"!!!"!!!!!
if you have to support opposite to scammers based on you thinking they got what they deserved: what is your actual reason for wanting to keep scamming? if the only flaw is that scams are removed in one more way, where is the down side?
if that is not the only flaw, you're probably like me and working towards fixing the current system, or fixing the old, rather than replacing the current system with the system that had to also be replaced.