DJxPaulyxD clans pking and killing a game its about having scouts and knowing where people are then sending in the big guns when there enought people in a location and clans can wolrd hope jsut as easily as people when they done enought damage in one world.
i rember old wildy when there wasnt so many people playing getting flodded with pking clans that where far less powerful than the modern day top levels (no aincents, no sumonings, no red chins, no prayer leech)
Were you even around during the old wilderness...?
There were ancients in the old wilderness, actually, ancients were a pretty big part of the old wilderness. When jagex talks about bringing back the "Old wilderness" there referring to the old style rather than what was used in the old wilderness. Style as in killing someone and getting exactly what that person had on/in their inventory, not getting randomized drops. And, what do red chins have to do with any of the things you listed.. lol
01-Jan-2011 21:39:54