OMG... No NO and NOOOO!
With free trade will come the botters and rwts in droves, completely destroying our fragile (at best) economy, I cant imagine the chaos the first 3 months would bring. This idea is far and beyond stupid. I cant even fathom it all really, each time i think of one bad thing another bad thing pops in, like dominoes falling.
As for the wildy, I wouldnt mind if say PVP worlds were back to old wildy, and maybe even a few non pvp worlds. But to bring it back as a whole is scary.
Abyss, stealing creation, treasure trails, quests, clan wars, falling stars, beacons and more would all become impossible. Does no one remember the "Death Dots"? One dot on the map, then 50 people jump out and anniahlate you?
Not to mention the arsenal of powerful spells, weapons, potions, prayers etc that are at our disposal now...old wildy would be certain death for the lone person wishing to access any game content out there. What of the summers quests? and While Guthix sleeps? Im glad ive finished them, but what about the people that havent?
I did enjoy pking dont get me wrong, but theres far too much game content that takes place in the wild to turn gangs of cut-throats loose out there again. I do support the idea, but leave plenty of worlds alone so we can enjoy the game content out there please.
22-Dec-2010 07:55:05