'Botters will come back, people will get scammed!'
Tired of this. Jagex will do everything to stop botters, otherwise they wouldnt return this all after all those updates to prevent it.
And scamming... Part of the game. It's especially the new, young players getting scammed. Selfish to say, but I dont care about anyone getting scammed: its their own mistake.
I got scammed too back in '06. A lot of times. And realize, back then you didnt even get warned in your trade screen. After several scams I started to be careful. And nowadays it will never, ever happen to me again, ofcourse.
You make mistakes, you learn from it, you gain experience in playing, you learn from others, you get used to the game.
Compare it with this: A new skaterboarder. Once youll go off that halfpipe, and fail. A lot of pain, but its gone after a week. You try it a second time: scratches, wounds, maybe even a broken leg or arm. You wont do it again, i guess. Youre going back to the smaller things. You will gain experience, you will get used to the skateboard. Youre going to the halfpipe again. You dont fall this time and do a lot of nice tricks, you will never fall as bad as back then again.
Also, you wont have that much money to lose as a new player. And once youve become rich, youre already that experienced, you wont get scammed again.
Getting scammed is the same as dying in the wilderness. you KNEW you could die, and you KNEW you'd lose everything you had with you. But you went, and died. And lost everything. When youre not careful with trading (or anything else thats got something to do with scamming), you KNOW you might lose something.
Anyways, this is a game: supposed to be fun. play if you like it, dont play if you dont. I used to play a lot of Halo 2, back then, before 3 and Reach. Well, in my opinion 2 was WAY better than 3 and Reach. I dont play Reach. Halo has been changed, has become worse in my opinion, so I dont play, right?
Majority wins, Minority loses, not just in games..
13-Jan-2011 18:14:16