Hey everyone,
I played Runescape during 2005-2006 very often. In 2007 now and then I logged in and went pking because that was what I liked most.
After the 2007 update I was pretty shocked. I mean, Jagex doesn't like people getting scammed and realworldtrading etc, but neither do I. The old wilderness was for me and many other people what RS was all about. You train your skills and then in The Wildy you see the results of all your hard work. The excitement of walking into the wildy back then must be hard to understand for people that started playing RS after 2007.
There are 2 things that I really don't understand:
1) Why is scamming such a big deal? Did I ever get scammed? Yes, ofcourse. But you learn from that and that won't happen twice. I was a level 10 back then and I didn't have any money anyway.
People! This happens in real life! I'm really shocked that Jagex is behaving like a babysitter. We can't protect everyone! Like the Dutch government says lol: People have own responsibility.
2) Why are people complaining about activities in the wilderness like clue scrolls, quests, mage arena etc?
The wilderness is considered to be a dangerous place, so the beautiful thing is that, when you don't die, you feel pretty good. The Wildy has been like that for many years, so why was there a need for a change?
Back in 2005-2006 there wasn't even a wilderness wall. You could just walk straight into the wildy without getting a warning.
Jagex has inproved so many things to help new people.
About the free trade I actually don't care as much as about the wildy. I just found out all great things about the GE and I really like it. You don't ahve to spend days in world 1&2 to buy the things you need.
However, I really don't like the trade limits.
Runescape is like communism these days and Jagex like the Kremlin (don't ban me (right of free speech(if that still exists lol))
I hope we're going back to the good old times again
13-Jan-2011 12:18:33