12-Jan-2011 19:23:55
theres a difference between debating and trolling. Your not debating, because debating means looking at things from both points of view, something you clearly arent doing ..
wrong. debating doesnt mean i have to argue both sides. it means i have to argue myside and if you can over come it, then agree with you. so far, all ive seen is people saying that it is right that pkers steal money from those that earn it, and jagex needs to allow people to do this so they can break the rules.
that isnt conviencing.
A True Pr0
12-Jan-2011 19:24:20
Agent B MiB
GOD DAMNIT!!!! youvev never pked so STFU! you dont make 200mil in 10min, you barely make 200k in 10min??? do you understand the skill in pking? i meen real pking not going on a 1 item world with ur d claws super seting and running out with your spec...
its called exaggerating to make a point. you exaggerate to the point where its obvious you dont mean it, but it gets the point across.
if you pk someone full dragon, and with a god sword, how much do you get? if they are skulled? im not talking about pvp, im talking about pking.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
12-Jan-2011 19:43:13
- Last edited on
12-Jan-2011 19:45:06