Communists vote in the same way as this vote on free trade and wildy return. You list one candidate, usually the ruling party dictator, and call it an election. The failure to put a "NO" selection for a vote has caused some confusion and even pro votes that were not meant to be cast.
Spyte said it well. To open all worlds to pvp PK'ers is to put at risk your people who are going to wildy now for training including chaos tunnels, beacon lighting,fists of guthix, kbd, mage training, all clue running and more. I remember so many people getting invited or asking to go to wildy and someone would gladly take them , only to to kill the requesting party as soon as a high enough level wildy had been entered. That was a 'scam' that used to tick me off badly since it took advantage of the young or new players.
Expand your dedicated pk worlds but its awfully funny pk worlds dont get over run or stay packed right now so why the heck do u want to see people hurt who get angry and then talk down rs or quit.
As to free trade, you finally got people accustomed to a system in the GE. Tweak it to allow greater range of trade and be prepared to handle a 'hoarded item' market. Allowing real free trade without limits will return us to the item scamming and yes the over payment method of transferring gold.
With the only available voting option of "yes" I do look for a reinstatement of wildy and free trade of a sort and then jagex will be tweaking it to fix all the complaints and cheating and fresh bots or gold purchasing on line all over again.
22-Dec-2010 04:35:44