
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Ayri Wynn
With your comments about D&D and penguins, it seems like your talking about old pk rules applying to pvp worlds or something. which is something I wouldnt want to see happen.
If not then, what D&D is in the wilderness?

12-Jan-2011 07:21:12



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Im So Sec*1
Combating Bots and RWT was an issue back then that got out of control.
With Jagex's updated bot detection and methods of combating RWT, it makes it easier for Jagex to manage the problem that was over abundant back then. Not to mention Gold Farming has been made illegal in China, making it harder RWT and Gold Farming to continue.

12-Jan-2011 07:24:04 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2011 07:24:34 by JohneySteel

Santah Khan
Jul Member 2004

Santah Khan

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My comments about Stars and Penguins, would apply if the old pking wild was brought back.
People that prey on people they think can't fight back, would prowl the D&D games.
Stealing Creations isn't an issue, as people come and go to that void of items.
So I stand by my choice, wild left alone. Free trade reinstated. If I choose to Monty Hall in Varrock bank, and offer 5K for a tinderbox - that choice should be mine again. or 4K for a bronze arrow. etc.

12-Jan-2011 07:30:52



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in my opinion there maybe people who think its bad for trade limits to be lifted but thats only those who are unlucky (which are very small numbers although unfortunate) it doesnt happen to everyone and by now everyone should be smarter then that by now.
trading limits should not resume and this is my reason
-fire ghost83

12-Jan-2011 07:31:04 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2011 07:31:31 by SoloPow

Sep Member 2023


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I really hope the wilderniss is coming back, personally I think scamming is still going on these days. People make clan chats to sell there stuff for higher prices and let others buy them. There should be some kind of 3 seconds block on trading or something. I mean: when some-one takes away stuff or changes the amouth it should be unable to accept for like 3 seconds so the other player can see something has changed.
Wilderniss has always been my favourate runescape activity and I kept playing in the current wilderniss, but its just boring if you want some proper drops. I mean, I kill some-one in 2 minutes. I get a proper drop but my ep is back to 0%. Then I have to wait 28 minutes to get some ep, getting rushed and that sorta stuff. So I really hope they change it back, so I dont have to wait that much.
To prevent people get scammed in the wilderniss I think there should be some real warnings when you are asked to teleport to the wilderniss. but like I said before, people still scam, no matter what updates will come.

12-Jan-2011 07:34:44



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Ayri ****
"My comments about Stars and Penguins, would apply if the old pking wild was brought back."
"People that prey on people they think can't fight back, would prowl the D&D games."
D&D in the wilderness
- Stealing Creations (will be reloacted)
- Fist Of Guthix (will be reloacted)
- Clan Wars (will be reloacted)
The wilderness is going back to how it was. People doing D&D wont have to worry about being attacked because D&D never existed in the wilderness before the change of 07', so they won't exist in the wilderness with this up coming update.

12-Jan-2011 07:37:15



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KingOfHelI said:
"Wilderniss has always been my favourate runescape activity and I kept playing in the current wilderniss, but its just boring if you want some proper drops. I mean, I kill some-one in 2 minutes. I get a proper drop but my ep is back to 0%. Then I have to wait 28 minutes to get some ep, getting rushed and that sorta stuff. So I really hope they change it back, so I dont have to wait that much."
- - - - - - - - - -
Agreed. This EP thing is really annoying. The amount of full rune sets, dds, helm of neizet and other things I could of had in these past 3 years. My bro downed someone in full bandos, claws, firecape, fury ammy, ect. Wanna know what the drop was? Under 10k. Yeah**** right?
Thats where all the items go in the game, even barrows is why its so expensive. People die, lose items, causing less to be in game making the price for mo** items go up.
with the old wilderness put back into place, items such as barrow sets pked in the wilderness will be passed around through reselling instead of being wasted and replaces with nothing.

12-Jan-2011 07:42:06

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