
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 1,677 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
umm i dnt like this vote... its a yes or no to a question that i dnt totally agree on.
I want to say yes to wildy, but only on certain worlds so i can still get stuff done without fear of pkers everywhere
I want to say yes to free trade cuz i think thats a lot better
but honestly... that will destroy the economy and i think its fine as it is, it might make things easier but then again it might destroy prices and make some things impossible to get...
So umm i think there should be a different vote for this seeing as this question cant be covered by a yes/no vote...
Where Guthix sought balance in the world, I seek balance in oneself. Pax tecum.

22-Dec-2010 04:04:36



Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think that the original idea of taking out wildy and trade limit was possibly the stupidest thing jagex have ever done, and only now are realising it.
Back in the day, yes you would get scammed, but quickly learned to ignore anyone syaing trade for armour trim ect.
Espcially with most players these days have already been playing for awhile, i dont see much of this happening anymore.
The wold wildy needs to be brought back, as the current bounty and pvp worlds are shamefull, risk 10M+ and get 300k drop, very good ratio hey?
As with free trade, that also was good, except for obvious RWT'ing scamming ect, it kept prices fair, and didnt allow people to manipulate the prices nearly as much as they can with the ge now.

22-Dec-2010 04:04:43



Posts: 127 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They should just load up October 2007 RuneScape who's with me?
Post this if you agree!
They should just load up October 2007 RuneScape who's with me?
Post this if you agree!
They should just load up October 2007 RuneScape who's with me?
Post this if you agree!
They should just load up October 2007 RuneScape who's with me?
Post this if you agree!
They should jus* load up October 2007 RuneScape who's with me?
Post this if you agree!
They should just load up October 2007 RuneScape who's with me?
Post this if you agree!

22-Dec-2010 04:05:39



Posts: 346 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
yes bring it back.......... everything all of it
Ive been playing since 2005 or 2004
Ive put it so many hours when it was old school
My primary making money way was merchating i bought all ess for 20-25gps each and sold for 40gps was this unfair , no i typed and typed took long hours and finally made a bit of profit g.e killed me =(. anyways il find away to make $.
But these is not the reason i want it back . omg it is so hypermotivational (if thats not a word i just created one) seeing someone with DRAGON CLAWS or ARMADYL GODSWORD in wild and possibly of killing him and smite the CLAWS OR GODSWORD out and be verry rewarded =) . Now im like if i kill a guy with full bandos and claws and they die and i get 80k of loot i actually feel bad for that person cause he lost everything and i got 80k??? i rather get the full bandos and not get 80k?? cmon lets be serious it be more motivational thats all. plus wats the use of smite if u wont even get the drop just to lower the prayer? basically waste of prayer. Plus i borrowed a few friend some millions really want to see that $$ come back to me =( but idc much about that. so cmon for motivation on pk , seems very boring of it at the moment.
basically i think that this post is not real just my imagination on old wildy coming back so plz reply and let me know if im going crazy here .. ahhashdhasjhdjashkdhskjfhajksdhfhjhahahahahhhahahha

22-Dec-2010 04:06:30 - Last edited on 22-Dec-2010 04:09:11 by 1ban

Jun Member 2009


Posts: 1,514 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
no one got to voice their oppion to the opposition i for one seen the vote was one sided and unfair i demand a revote.

give people a chance to vote no if they do not want it.
you only heard from one side.

to me it is utter bolderdash. :@
khanbibi madskills admin

22-Dec-2010 04:07:18

Feb Member 2006


Posts: 5,128 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think the poll is completely unfair and needs to be reset, yes reset, and done right.
Firstly, and most importantly, having to LOG IN to vote. I am SO against this, and someone I know voted FOR me! Every post that I've seen on these forums protesting this change has been followed by "Lawls! I voted for you! GF nub!" This is just unacceptable.
Secondly, a NO option. I've read countless posts of people clicking "Vote" thinking they'd get to vote "No" only to end up supporting that which they opposed.
As for the change itself: As I've said. I am against it. I was sad to see free trading go, and I never was into pking. I think the game is better for the changes made though. Sure trade limits are a nuisance, but what we gain from them is worth it. Though I am against it, I could live with free trading. The old wilderness? No. I'm sorry pkers, but it's just too late for that. We have tons of wilderness content now that would be ruined if you tried to do it in the old wilderness. Quests mainly.
Spirit of Summer and Summers End.
These are wilderness quests. All about ghosts in the wilderness. Impossible to do in the old wilderness, and not nearly as good if moved. Then where does that leave the reward, Jennica's Ring?
Arrav Quests:
Again, we go into the wilderness here. (Taking quite some time tracking footprints.) I don't want to see pkers ruin this, and I don't think the area should be forced to move somewhere "Safe" like Varrock or some such place. It belongs in the Chaos Temple.
Temple at Senntisten. We travel to Ghorrock via the wilderness. This is a huge problem because if you're going to Ghorrock, you'd better go prepared, and risk good items. The entrance could, but SHOULDN'T have to be moved to outside the wilderness, and the GHORROCK teleport is a WILDERNESS teleport.
of Team Windmill

Come adventure with us!

22-Dec-2010 04:07:58

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