I've read quite a few pages of this thread and at the same time, I checked some backgrounds on some people.
I have played Runescape for going on ten years. I remember when Halloween masks were dropped; I took a green one and traded it for a Rune 2-hander. Subsequently, I tried pking with my newly acquired weapon and lost it.
If I view anything wrong with this, it is the type of poll. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems as if you can type in anyone's username and submit it as a vote. Think: if everyone who votes votes twice, they only need half the true votes. Oh well.
Runescape needs a change-and a grand one at that. I have always loved the skill Herblaw-excuse me-Herblore, but I find myself unwanting to train the skill. I needed about 100,000 experience to a level but it would have costed nigh 1 million gold! Something needs to be done about the ridiculous prices and price manipulations and this may just be the solution.
Onto the wilderness. I enjoy doing clues. When the original wilderness was out I only brought the bare necessities to complete my clue-for some reason though, I always got killed. My killer didn't receive anything but some sick satisfaction of preventing someone of getting better. I believe this needs to be fixed. Dumb pking is just that. If you get lured or scammed it is your ow damn fault. I'm just talking about those who merely want to dig up a scroll box or casket. What is the point in killing someone just so they lose it?
There are my two cents. Spend them how you please, but keep in mind, there are no refunds.
Alle Fallen.
22-Dec-2010 03:38:32