~As I directly quote Ir0n Omega: No, Jagex, NO!
You can't do this. We spend years with-out growing to know how to play RuneScape with out the Trade Limit and with the Grand Exchange and now years later you want to change it? NOW?
You can't just do that. Your making it a public vote via the Forums? You must be kidding? If you think your going to get thousands of dollars in profit back by doing this, you are sadly mistaken.
Sure, some people will come back but the majority of people that come back will be botters. You want the botters from 07 back? The gold farmers from 07 back?
You really need to re-consider this.
I agree, think of how negatively the economy would react. What would the ge become? Auction House? Many new players have come into Runescape enjoying a relatively bot-free world with the convenience of the Grand Exchange, with no past memories of this 'Wildy'. You think re-exposure to scamming is good? I don't. You think re-exposure to Real World Trading is good? I don't. Jagex, your quarterly profits may increase a bit, but many honest players who prefer RuneScape as it is may lose sight of what really mattered to them in this game..bringing back the gold farmers and botters will NOT keep the community tightly knit, it would rather destroy the precious community therefore rendering the realistic qualities of this game redundant. You should honestly re-consider. :/
21-Dec-2010 19:43:54