sorry, but im really angry now, i hated wildy and free trade was more annoying than enjoyable, but.. thats not the point, id just boycott, but...
I was expecting some kind of Yes/No vote, when i clicked on vote, for gods sake, what system is it, just asking for a username? not even pass required? You must be kidding! Its not 1st April! It can be misused! Anybody can vote under name of somebody they dont even know!
And i want to take my vote back, which is impossible too.
This is the worst christmas present ive ever got, thank you very much, Jagex
hope you wont ruin my beloved game again
BTW: Please restart the poll and ask for pass and put yes-no options in it, otherwise its not relevant, and i MEAN it
The Ice Queen
Also, if looking for a friendly community clan, join
21-Dec-2010 19:42:57