I don't believe your systems and detection can anywhere near compensate for the damage control that limited trade has brought.
While it is not ideal, it is better than the alternative. And I actually like the easy sale ability of the G.E. Who is going to meet me to buy 2 emeralds? But I can sell on the G.E. immediately.
And the vote setup is flawed. You are only asking for positive votes and relying on silence as your objection.
The website does not really do much to make that clear. Not until I'd actually voted (as a positive) is it clear that you aren't given the chance to vote for leaving it as is.
Not that is matters. There is *NO* check that the account being entered is really the person who owns the account. I could go straight down the highscores and vote them all. Even if it goes by log in name, I'm sure there is enough who didn't change a name that you could get extra votes. Not to mention second, third and other multiple legitimate accounts.
Bad idea, worse implementation.
Horrible Jagex. Really.
Big fat thumbs down.
21-Dec-2010 19:32:44