Against. Why?
- Too much content added to Wilderness, not least penguins, clue scrolls and the Summer quests to add the "old wildy" to every world.
- Luring/scamming (quite possible with teleports like Ghorrock on the Ancients spellbook).
- RWT: You fought so hard against RWT and it threatened to destroy RS. Since last time it was stolen credit card issues with the banks, what's changed that we don't know about? I can't imagine things would go as well as they did in the past - they're not exactly as open to risk now as they were back in 2007.
Free Trade:
- Again, RWT, buying items. Also cheating on second accounts: One of my friends has 800m + a red phat on an abandoned account (long story). First thing he'd do is transfer all that to his current account, and I wouldn't blame him. That's hardly fair when accounts are supposed to operate independently.
- The main reasons for free trade seem to be for gifts (which you've done a reasonable job of working with, so kudos) and the inflexibility of the G.E when it comes to rares, spirit shields and such. The G.E is a fantastic system, you should focus on making it more flexible and responsive to price swings so it can adjust to street prices. Falling back on free trade would be a regrettable cop-out.
There's flaws with the vote itself, most of which have been highlighted. There's no confirmation of username, so anyone who wants to write a script to enter the top 2M ranked players can easily do so using the hiscores, without their consent. Secondly, multiple accounts of one person can vote - it's hardly a representative system when one person votes with multiple accounts to my one. Finally, people have accidentally voted yes due to improper understanding of how it works.
So essentially, if you go ahead with this, you'll be doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons in the wrong way.
Merry Christmas!
21-Dec-2010 19:24:03
- Last edited on
22-Dec-2010 06:52:13