if you're voting no to the wild, more than likely you just need to l2pk... Free trade is a win, no doubt in my mind. i've been playing runescape since 02, the main reason i still play is because i dont want to give up after all this time, Runescape has never been as enjoyable as it was before free trade, and if you're worried about bots go check out the bot caves (chaos tunnels) there running better than ever that's why you don't notice them now.. the old yew bots are now on ivy and when was the last time you went to varrock east bank, theres more ess bots now then ever. I think jagex has realised they are losing the war against bots so they want to make the game back to the ever so enjoyable state it was before. I do like pking as it is now but its all down to luckscape to decide your drops, i want to smite gs's and chaotics(chaotics just to rofl irl). The only thing im worried about is how extremes/overloads + turmoil is going to destroy the wilderness.
I am under the impression that extremes will work like pouches and raise your combat if you have them on you, but come on! korasi is overpowered as it is, add a spec restore, just run in spec, restore, spec, gf. pking will be NOTHING like it was in 07 with the new prayers/potions, throw a divine in there and gf anyone under 120cb :/
(i have spec restores and korasi, and i intend to annihilate with them,though it is unfair)
With this said, im working on overloads (88/92) and am VERY excited for free trade, im just saying.
08-Jan-2011 21:10:59
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08-Jan-2011 21:13:38