Thanks for a explanation without rudeness. now we have a discussion which is good. enables us to see eachothers points of views.
Reguarding your post, yes you are correct in absolut** everything you said and i don't disagree with any of it. but the fact still remains that, the change to the current system is what enables that type of business again. the free world trade opens up a huge opportunity for farmers, and as u said indavidules wanting to take advantage of those farmers resources alike. the only way to control that stuff is via the current system.
No i'm not a pker, yes i understand that ALOT of ppl like it. But if free trade is opended back up, and as we discussed pkers NEED it to be free trade to make their experience the full effect of old wildy then it also means that we have to endure all of the farmning and botting and hacking that comes with a free trade market. Its not pkers themselves that i have a prob with its the free trade that is required for the old wildy effectivness.
13-Jan-2011 21:19:32