
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Oct Member 2023


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i agree with all of this, i started playing back in like, 02 or 03, and i loved it. by 07... i was finaly able to pk, i was able to use dragon weapons and i was just starting to learnn how to make some pretty ok money. then all of a sudden the only 2 things that those were good for were takenn from me, and im sure im not the only one who went through this ordeal.
ive read through a few pages on this thread and i found that a pretty major thing that people are worried about is rwting luring and people getting scammed, well let me just say, i dont care about rwting but i have been victimized by luring and being scammed, and let me just say that it was a valuable learning experience, sure i was crushed when i got lured deep into the wildy with emty promises then killed by a more powerful player, or lied to about the value of an item that either had or wanted, but i learned from those and i thought it was a major part of the runescape experience. and about rwting im sure they at some time eventualy get caught.
i am all for this, however, i do think there should be a number of worlds that do and dont have the wild, and absolutely no revs, alot of people have trouble with greens and clues. i think both of those are a large part of the rs economy and this would be largely improved if there were safe worlds.

08-Jan-2011 06:48:38

Life Changer

Life Changer

Posts: 154 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I realise this is long, but it is worth reading, and maybe just straighten some of the people out before they post incorrectly. If you do read it thank you for your time.
K this is kind of ridiculous, the people saying they should have seperated the vote, and I am talking about the people who posted less then 5 minutes ago. THEY DID SEPERATE IT GO LOOK when you sign in to vote it asks the following: Yes, I would like to bring free trade back, No, I do not want to bring free trade back, and finally the I don't care for either side. So with that how can you even rant about something that you yourself have truly not even examined that is just absurd in my opinion. Yes I do PK I enjoyed pking a lot more back in the day then I do now, but if you look I also have over 200m total xp and 2250 total and max CB. I skill as much as I pk. This update helps RuneScape In a lot of ways people aren't looking at. Fact is even today there are bots in every world at god only knows obvious locations with or without free trade, but truly what is the biggest, and also the most obvious BOT or Macro you see? Green dragons, if it be by currently clan wars, or north of Falador, or most common the chaos tunnels, its amazing i remember back when there were no cannons there, and people weren't fighting bots for kills they played with others, and for that revs are going to be REMOVED FROM WILDERNESS pkers alike myself didn't go after green dragon killers risking 20k, it wasn't worth the time or effort or cost of supplies to kill you, and that goes for people doing clues too, you think for the years before free trade no one did clues? Seriously it was easy to do them then, and they said it will be moved elsewere, and yet 3/5 are complaining about cluescrolls, and before you go to rant another post about this please, I beg of you please actually go read it.
~Life Changer~
Being Ignorant isn't an excuse, it only takes a few minutes to truly know what you are talking about, you should try it...

08-Jan-2011 06:58:22



Posts: 31 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The G.E. will still be there, just price limits will be removed, so you could try to sell a bucket for 10m. not like anybody's gonna buy it though... This will end merchanting clans, but merchanting on your own will become more common

08-Jan-2011 07:00:21

Creamy Mints
May Member 2022

Creamy Mints

Posts: 1,084 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well Jester i have been following your convo on here since 1496 (jonas not cool) and i find you to accually be one of the few people who can hold an intelligent conversation (not trying to say most cannot but most dont want to) Thank you for being intelligent about your answers.

08-Jan-2011 07:07:32

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