I honestly can't believe what I am reading.
These are my opinions so don't flame like a 12 year old.
1) The limiting of trade and the removal of the wilderness was the most detrimental move that Jagex made in history.
2) The game has suffered considerably enough for the new management to "consider" bringing back the old game.
3) Old school players such as myself agree that the old runescape was far superior.
4) People that are complaining about RWT and the lot are wasting their time. There are still just as many RWT gold selling websites as there were in the past. E.G you can google "runescape g" and tons of gold selling sites appear on the suggestion bar.
5) Those that are mentioning getting scammed and taken advantage of need to be more wary of what they are doing and not fall for some guy wanting to "buy your armour for 1m" its an obvious scam. And besides there is a little button that I'm sure everyone has forgotten about; its called the "report" button. Try it some time and quit complaining.
I have played this game for years until recently (the start of this limiting nonsense) I quit playing runescape and went for other mmorpg games such as 2moons or lotro. These other games are not limited and they are prospering just fine.
Jagex should take the example of other mmo's and instead of hunting down rwt websites, sell their own gold for example.
E.G have a "JaGeX" store that allows characters to buy items/gold in the game like lotro and wow do.
Anways enough rambling, the point is that the updates were a mistake, and its taken JaGeX too long to fix it. So much time passing has made players complacent. Players have forgotten the anger and frustration that arose shortly after the updates, and the old school players (myself included) have never stopped petitioning for the old Runescape to resurface. Now that we are getting what we want, don't ruin it.
Oh and before anyone forgets, these updates that were aimed at punishing bad players also punish the good.
07-Jan-2011 06:43:40