yes, i have nothing against people going out into the wilderness and killing eachother.the only problem i am seeing is why place the old wildenesss back when they could simply have an update to pvp worlds or bh giving players the items of their dead opponents. this seems a much easier approach than moving all the activities out of the wilderness.
Pikmin, you knew EXACTLY where to go if you needed something... Obby items? Cammy bank. Rares? Behind varrok west bank. Arrows/bolts had their own place.
Everything was where it needed to be, and usually the people merching had bought those items for cheaper so they sold at a fair price.
I merched yews for a long time, bought at 420, sold at 460-480 in mass amounts, equalling great profit, and no, it didn't take me forever to sell or buy. It was a simple deal.
you obviously dont know what the old runescape was.
and yes the GE is very similar to a "store". but who wants to play a game where every item is "conveniently" placed in one spot.... no challange, no fun, no excitement, no friends, NO GAME.
This game is supposed to be medieval. They flippin' bartered back then, the GE just takes away from that feeling. Stop fighting it, you'll still be able to have your quick get it and go buying that you love so much that you would rage so much on this forum.
djmax31 you got scammed because you did not look over the trade on the screen that comes after the first time you cick yes that is your fault and you should have known it was a scam right away when they offered you 10k and that is your falt not the hundreds of thousands of people that quit because of the removal of free trade and the wild this is a great thing for runescape
it might take awhile to get that simple again tho, since alot of people are used to the G.E and it will be staying, im sure it will still be used alot. so there won't be as much people meching items as there used to be.