@fred up
tbh if your boxing staking 99 str and attack would only work up until a certain level, when you got to the level that i would stake at which were levels 90 right through until 100 (my own personal CB this was) it wouldnt work because boxing is about hitting constantly rather then hitting hard, but i duno how this new HP will affect how hard people can hit in the duel arena but it should be roughly the same!, plus no hope of staking a santa for me anymore, im at 55m personally but since i quit everything has risen so much!, like i quid for 2 years to find that 20m worth of stuff i had was like 60m in value!, for example furys went from 3.5m to 18m, barrows sets skyrocketed etc.
santas are like 100m now :/ they were only like 15 when i played ! lol
(sorry if i missed a letter couldnt rememeber your full name and couldnt go back to check!)
free trade and wilde will make runescape actually half decent for once and not wrapped in bubblewrap although i dont pk i stake...
plus it gets rid of something even more annoying personally to each player in runescape that dont do it and that is clan mercanting...i swear i dont know if a item is dying or going up!, so many items rise and crash because of these lame clans. i remember the days when merchanting by urself was just as profitable which is way more fun and less risky then taking orders from somebody else!
05-Jan-2011 19:47:37