Mith Goddess
12-Jan-2011 10:04:05
...the only time i saw "selling sharks 500 gp each" was
after jagex took the wildy off. who needs sharks if you cant pk?... when the wildy comes back prices will not go down... on the contrary, the demand for pking items and food will go up, therefore the prices will go up. DUH. ...
i saw it before the update.
yes the price will go up for a short time untilthe bots over weilm the players and drive the prices down once again. thats what bots do. they dont care about the prices, only the gps they sell for real money.
prior to the updates, no skiller mined esses, and at the end, no one fished, save for their own use.
sharks are often used for pvm.
Mith Goddess
12-Jan-2011 10:15:29 talk about stolen credit cards like if it was a simple task to do or a common problem regarding runescape... who steals credit cards to make runescape members?
translation: im not willing to listen to historical facts, i just call them made up.
read "rs vs real world traders". it will tell you that people were using stolen credit cards to pay for bots membership fees, not for real players accounts. they were banning 8 k bots a week whose membership was paid for with a stolen credit card. that meets the definition of common and not a problem for a criminal organization such as rwters.
learn the facts before you pretend to be a real person, little girl.
Mith Goddess
12-Jan-2011 10:26:39
@agent b
what is up with you and other people even bringing up BOTS, the wildy and free trade have nothing to do with bots, are you saying that by bringing the wildy back, jagex's security will MAGICALLY disappear? making it defenseless against bots???
how do you think they transfer millions of gps without it being traceable. unballance transfers were stopped long before the updates. they did it with death trades which were untraceable.
the only security that jagex has ever succeeded in usign to stop bots was the updates. continued
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
12-Jan-2011 11:04:37
- Last edited on
12-Jan-2011 11:10:03