Ive been an RS player since 2003, and have seen both sides to this update. I would say that I have enough experience in this game to give a valid opinion on the subject.
I see many people posting and arguing about this referendum, when in some cases they werent even around or old enough to fully comprehend the pros and cons of the old system. That being said, everyone is still intitled to an opinion, but arguments would have more grounds with experience to back it up. Anyways, moving on to what I see as the pros and cons of either side.
I was never a pker, and have had no great in interest in the wild. Therefore this part doesnt necessarly affect me as an individual. However I have friends who pk, and have even watched their fights from time to time. And from that I can say that comparing wildy systems, I belive the old one would be better. That is if the barrier is kept, I think the only problem in my books would be luring, drops were way better in the past, as they were what the kill was carrying.
Other then that the D&Ds and such currently in the wild Im sure are on Jagex list of adjustments that will be made, Im not too worried about that.
***Free Trade***
I find this to be the bigger and more important topic of the 2. This affects everyone, pkers, skillers and all. The economy is the center of the game and something as drastic as bringing this update back may cause positive changes, or undesired ones (good or bad im not here to judge). I find teh GE to be a great system, I remember how annoying it was to try and sell some items you did not have in bulk...took forever. The GE is simple, fast and you can find anything your looking for very quickly. One problem with the current system is that its easy to manipulate, as seen by the countless merch clans. On top of that the current limits in trade are very annoying when you want to cut certain players deals, when either selling in bulk, or to a friend.
~~~Continued in another post~~~
05-Jan-2011 09:32:16