I thought I would throw my two cents in. I've played RS since 2005 and I remember the good days.
To all the people who disagree with this update:
You must have never played Runescape back in the old days before the worst update in its history. Runescape was perfect before they ruined it with those updates in 2007. You could help your friends out by giving them money, you had to search for a seller to buy your items from and when you finally got it, it was awesome. Now don't get me wrong, the Grand Exchange was the only good thing to come out of those updates back in 07. I think its a great idea and I'm happy its staying.
To all the people who are uncertain about the Wilderness or they are afraid to get killed:
Again you never experienced what it was like with the wild and I feel sorry for you. For those who don't know, it was a place where you could go and fight other players and kill them. Your reward was that unfortuante player's armor, weapons, money, etc. If your scared to get killed, DON'T GO IN THE WILDERNESS! SIMPLE AS THAT! If your not the PvP type or you don't wanna risk it, DO NOT GO THERE. They don't need revenants anymore since the threat of being killed will be there.
To all the people who are uncertain about how free trade will effect them:
The markets will adjust in time and everyone will know the prices. You cannot possibly understand what it was like if you weren't around before the updates. The only way I can explain it is everyone knew the prices either from others or just observing sellers and it was your fault if you got ripped off.
Finally, to all those who are worried about getting scammed or facing the effects of RWT:
Personally, I never saw the effects of RWT on the game and I only got scammed once OUT OF MY OWN STUPIDITY. If you get scammed, IT IS YOUR FAULT. It is your fault if you missed the warnings or weren't paying attention!
It is about damn time Jagex fixed their mistakes. Look at the polls, everyone wants the old days back.
05-Jan-2011 02:57:35