If you are stupid enough to get lured with a partyhat or whatever, then you don't deserve to play this game. Obviously you are a 7 year old boy who got lucky at the Party Room.
There is TWO trade screens. It's pretty hard to get scammed. Either way, it's just a game. You'll live.
Good. If I PK some 3rd age I want that 3rd age. Simple.
There should be SUGGESTED prices. If free trading comes back there really is no point in having a G.E, except for an easier way to find someone who is selling the item you are looking for. If I want to sell my hard earned party hat for 5K... let me.
RWT: If I want to buy an AGS off my friend for 20 bucks... let me.
Honestly I think Jagex should sell in-game items for money... that would be a smart move. Like... a Bandos chestplate for 30 dollars... and the prices would raise and lower depending on the in-game value of that item.
So if anybody actually doesn't want this back... is... let's just face it. They are STUPID.
You getting lured; - YOUR FAULT.
You getting scammed; - YOUR FAULT.
You getting hacked; - YOUR FAULT.
No matter what you say or think... it's simply written right in front of you. Whatever happens on this GAME... is your fault. You have almost TOTAL control of what happens on this game. If you go into the wilderness and die for a party hat... it's not the person who killed you's fault... it's yours.
Go to a Fear Figment PKing video or I Kasoy I, Kids Ranqe or even Elvemage... and tell me this community has gotten BETTER from that time.
This community sucks... We want to be able to merchant without ruining the economy. We want to PK and kill someone in a partyhat, knowing we WILL get that partyhat. We want the old Wilderness. No more bull Jagex. Just bring it back. It's a smart move...
30-Dec-2010 03:28:18