I have mixed feelings about the topic.
Back in Pre-December 11th, 2007 (yes I remember the date) I never really had a problem with getting scammed or anything, but I did do my share of pking. I would always have a blast with my friends when we got a good loot. And the moment after reading the update on that day, I was furious! I thought that Jagex was ruining the game in every way imaginable!
BUT after a few months, I got used to it and I actually started liking the new systems better once they all got sorted out! I could actually do my clue scrolls, kill the KBD, the Chaos Ele, slay some green dragons without having to worry about getting wrecked by some jerk in super expensive gear and higher stats than me!
Even though I felt restricted on how I could play the game when they changed it, I never really complained after a while. I soon forgot about the "old" Runescape. They changed it so much after it. I think that they were close to a way of perfecting the new system so that you could have as much fun as you did in the "old" Runescape in the "new" Runescape.
I would love to see the old wilderness back, but not on every world, that would just be a pain in the tail! I'd also be happy to help out my friends with gifts every now and then, and the old merchanting would be fun too. But at the same time I would not like to see the GE being taken away. And they can say all they want that if they bring back free trade, the GE will stay. Im no expert on this, but I'm pretty sure that if you can do free trade, the GE would crash in some insane way. And I think that having an expensive item shows something now!
Jagex would have to have a good new way to detect and stop RWTers and bots, but I'm sure they know that even if they don't bring it all back, there are still RWTers and bots out there.
Id love to see these changes go into affect, but I don't want to lose my Runescape experience from the past 3 years.
Thanks for reading, and have a Happy New Year!
30-Dec-2010 03:23:44
- Last edited on
30-Dec-2010 03:26:00
j0s h