Anyone who votes no is an idiot who probably never played before 05 and they dont remember how it was.
Imma kill all you mo'f's
Im gonna make it a personal mission when this comes back to gaurd clue spots, dragon spots, whatever you want to do, imma gaurd and kill you for voting no.
You say you were in your nooby stages so to be honest, you have absolutely no idea what you're on about.
If you had a half decent strength level and over 100k the wilderness was the most exciting and fun place to be in runescape.
I'm for that idea but... That would be great to leave GE like it is now
Or there should just be a price of an item since that would prevent from scamming...
To really know what the wilderness is you need more than 100k. You needed a great clan such as my old one 3v0luti0n x. You lost millions fighting for them but when you won you felt as if you were a part of something. Clans and great friends is what made me love the wilderness.
and jagex takes care of scamming, dont be stupid, and you wont get scammed, if any money or items change theres a huge red flash in the 2nd trade window before you hit accept for a 2nd time
your no votes are worthless because you dont know what you're talking about.
Calling someone an idiot, stupid or ignorant just because you don't agree with their views is so immature...
been playin since 2004!! Vote NO!!!
If this vote goes thru, the rev's must stay!!
How about American companies? cause Gold4Rs is an american company. As well as some of the companies no one knows about that are stationed in the states.