As someone who was around for the old wilderness, during my newbie stage, there was really nothing about the old wilderness that was better. More or less, it simply became a way to haze the newbies who didn't know that they had to watch their backs, not only for monsters but also for other players.
As it is, the revenants make it hard enough to stay alive in the deep wilderness, so I don't believe that the borders of the wilderness should be allowed to become potentially even more dangerous than the depths.
Free trade is a little different: although it would be nice if someone could give a higher level friend a piece of equipment that they can't use, or for one friend to give another friend an uncut diamond, one of my clan mates pointed out that it could very easily become a way for people to cheat. I'm not going to elaborate because I don't want to make it worse, but there it is. Additionally, although it was nice that both my first account, and my subsequent main account (created because I couldn't remember what my username had been years later), were given 5k, in one case because I asked a member a question about Arav, and in another because I asked for directions somewhere. It was nice, but it would be too easily abused.
I think that the wilderness and for the most part trade should remain as they are, especially since making them the way they are today took so long to achieve.
04-Jan-2011 19:20:29