
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Winds Song

Winds Song

Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I do not understand how the vote is going so in favor of the return of wildy and free trade. I here a lot of talk from the people who played in those days who are high lvls. and they don't want it back. Does people even realize there is a place to vote no. I almost did not go back to the place for the vote because the first time there was only a yes. The only reason i did was to check and see how many people voted yes because i surely don't want it. And the comment on making multiple accounts to vote just seems wrong, even though many did for the yes vote. That is why i think a person should have so many lvls before they can vote. Even 250 would make a difference. All the people who did not play in those days are going to regret this i feel. And i also think the vote seems off. It seems to stay at 90 percent yes. The vote should have been put on the regular place to vote at the bottom and there should have been one for free trade and one for wildy, not combined. Is there going to be a vote again after this has been in place for awhile and all the new players realize the mistake they have made. And yes, the awards for this game came after the wildy was gone, and the capes was placed. I see now that is going to go through and i think it is a shame.

04-Jan-2011 19:14:22



Posts: 2,300 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Obviously fred and these other whiners never enjoyed nights at the green dragons pking with friends, days going to the greater demons with your clan to fight for multiple hours, or rune set dming at bk castle. I remember death matching with my friend for hours at a time. I miss the old days of runescape and hope they do return.

04-Jan-2011 19:15:07



Posts: 178 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Dragon and Arch
I love how we pick the same things to elaborate on and discuss roughly at the same time. Hahaha. Great minds think alike. ;) Honestly, you two are exactly the kind of players who used to make up the community of RS. The community really added an aspect to RS. I really hope that the free trade and wildy will indeed bring many old players back and set this whole "kiddy club express." community on the right tracks.

04-Jan-2011 19:16:36



Posts: 573 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There seem to be more people complaining about the result because the losing side always moans the most- it happens in everything.
The vast majority of the community would like the go ahead for this update so if the people who dont want it would kindly realise that they are trying to spoil the game for 90% of it's players and wait till the 14th I would be eternally grateful.

04-Jan-2011 19:16:51



Posts: 141 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heres a question. Lets say you dont RWT or Bot. How does that affect your game play?

It doesnt. Most people dont bot cause they dont wanna get banned. And as for RWT. You killing lessers isnt gonna ruin your XP gain because some guy next to you just bought gold. Botting?? I can understand F2P yews and how they were all there. But while they have that, members cutting mages have it even worse. Regardless bot or no bot cutting trees you will have a problem. but only cause everyone cuts trees.

FOR EVERYONE HERE: RWT and BOTTING is not allowed because it gives an unfair advantage to other people. AS IN someone can get 99 faster or someone can get a whip faster. It doesnt ruin a players game play itself. And if you really want to know unfair. Members? You pay more to get more? Thats RWT.... And some people cant afford members. Thats not fair to them.

Besides the point of all this. Free trade and wildy should come back because it will be a huge plus for this game.

04-Jan-2011 19:17:24



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As someone who was around for the old wilderness, during my newbie stage, there was really nothing about the old wilderness that was better. More or less, it simply became a way to haze the newbies who didn't know that they had to watch their backs, not only for monsters but also for other players.
As it is, the revenants make it hard enough to stay alive in the deep wilderness, so I don't believe that the borders of the wilderness should be allowed to become potentially even more dangerous than the depths.
Free trade is a little different: although it would be nice if someone could give a higher level friend a piece of equipment that they can't use, or for one friend to give another friend an uncut diamond, one of my clan mates pointed out that it could very easily become a way for people to cheat. I'm not going to elaborate because I don't want to make it worse, but there it is. Additionally, although it was nice that both my first account, and my subsequent main account (created because I couldn't remember what my username had been years later), were given 5k, in one case because I asked a member a question about Arav, and in another because I asked for directions somewhere. It was nice, but it would be too easily abused.
I think that the wilderness and for the most part trade should remain as they are, especially since making them the way they are today took so long to achieve.

04-Jan-2011 19:20:29

Zoom EXE

Zoom EXE

Posts: 37 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
---------------------- read ----------------------
The Chinese government has declared that virtual currency cannot be traded for real goods or services.
This means Jagex will be able to prosecute those Real World Traders, which is the reason they are re-introducing free trade and the old RS style back into the game.
People need to read this, as this is why jagex are doing what they are doing.
They will be able to control RWT, this was the problem back when they removed wilderness and free trade. Most of the botters then were Gold farmers, but today there is a lot more regular players botting as they do not see fun in actually playing the game legitimately. The amount of botters will not change and if anything, will decrease.
Jagex can stop real world trading now as almost all of it was based in China, so they are changing the game back to how it was ment to be in the first place, before all the real world trading ruined it.

04-Jan-2011 19:20:55

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