Well they did advance their game a lot since then, now they're taking it back, it's just been a big waste of time for them.
Here's a few problems people may have not noticed:
-There will be people camping in wildy a clue spots, will be a bit unfair if someone gets third age.
-There will be people getting far more expensive 99s funded by there friends, kind of see that as unfair, might be just me.
-There will definately be luring of new players into the wildy, another thing i believe is unfair. You may say they must be a bit smarter but come on there are gullable 12 year old* that play this game, they won't know much difference.
-Jagex may keep the fact that if a player drops a high item it doesn't show up, this one I don't know about, but if they don't then bring on the drop trading.
-pkers and merchers are going to dissolve.
04-Jan-2011 00:30:17