I tackled each of your points individually and you're saying there was not one valid one in there? Please, you're clearly one track minded and going to be disappointed when the overwhelming majority votes in this referendum.
03-Jan-2011 18:20:36
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03-Jan-2011 18:20:53
Jagex compromised before removing the wilderness and free trade for the skillers. PKers were the majority, but Skillers have equal say. Jagex removed free trade and PKing due to the minority. Now I'm just hoping that we can take small steps backwards instead of just leaping backwards.
Either way, it is moving backwards for Jagex, but forward for players, so I'm going sideways.
Much like the two roads methaphore. I had a good anatomy metaphore last night too. The anatomy was about Merching Clans and how they don't really do anything to the entire RS economy while only affecting a small part. Good, but no one seemed to notice.
Now I feel like Kreia from Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords where she just complains how "I'm not a leader, so my words will go unheard."
The gaming references doing anything for you guys?
Dear Runescape users
I know in the minority on here but i beg you to consider the following points before voting I believe wilderness and free trade will destroy the Runescape community because :-
1) There will be way more bots sure there’s bots now but they are on peoples main accounts which means if they get caught they lose there main account if you introduce free trade people with been able to have a level 3 bot that gets a 99 skill and makes money then feeds another level 3 bot that trains magic and range so they can go into wildly with it and the skiller bot will feed the mage with money so it can buy runes and if there detected the guy loses 2 bots.
I personally remember seeing level 3 bots everywhere before the current trade rules .
p.s some people supporting the changes have already said they support bots
2) People will get scammed you say it won’t happen as the g.e will list the current prices
But what happens when the g.e prices are wrong like a Dragon Dagger super now its listed as 35k but most people pay 50-60k with junk and as it can 2 hit kill when wilderness comes out it will probably go up so people will offer to sell them at crazy prices and it’s easy to swap a dragon dagger super with a dragon dagger before hitting tick
Also some people say people that get scammed deserve it as there stupid well I tell you now no one deserve to be cheated/ scammed and the people cheating definitely don’t deserve the money that made off scamming people.
3) A lot is going to be moved like quests mini games / dungeons / activities this will totally change the runescape map and how the game is played.
read on for 4-6
4) In 2007 there where not overload pots or the new ancient curse prayers and very few weapons could 2 hit kill someone (maybe the dds and granite maul) if you was fighting someone without 99 hps and got 2 lucky hits now there is a lot of weapons that can easily 2 hit kill people that have 99hps so it wont be a player killing world it will be sit here and wait for people to fight one another than rush them world.
5) The community itself will turn ugly people if you read my previous points a lot of players believe people deserve to be scammed do we really want a community that believes new players deserve to be cheated?
Plus if they get scammed they won’t trust people in the future.
Surely we want a fair community where people trust one another and don’t think everyone’s out to rip them off?
Also if someone’s just happily skilling your get people going oi Noob duel me oh my god your useless, you never played killed look everyone he’s afraid of me what a noob e.t.c hoping to drag people into wildly where there friend can jump them.
6)when wildly came out it was the only place to player kill before the duel arena was introduced now there is many more places you can player kill like the Bounty Hunter mini game, all the player killer worlds as well as the Bounty worlds there’s also a lot of safe games you can player kill in like castle wars so can you really say you don’t have enough opportunities to player kill now?
well there my points I bet I get told buy people that support wilderness
oi y2k10 you clearly never played in the old wildy omg you’re a moron , I couldn’t even read what you put it was so illegible
But if you actually took 5 minutes out of your time to read this I thank you and hope you can see where I am coming from