
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Jul Member 2023


Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"bringing back free trade : yes
bringing back wildy : no
me personally i dont want wildy back, but if it does come back please make in on selected worlds only like the pvp/bh worlds are today.
the current vote is either wildy+free trade, no, or dont care.
can't we just vote for wildy or free trade?
it would make the poll much more accurate."
John my friend..
Im guessing that you are not a pker? the old wild was safer then the wild is now.. I rarely seen brids who could brid as well as a rev does
Also the vote is yes for both because no matter what thats what will win.. Free trade is a necessity (spellcheck that) for pking especially in the old wild. No more ep= good no more dp= better.. I dont know about you but i like to kill and get loot when im risking not just kill and get nothing which happens often now..
And also another good thing about free trade is free staking.. if u were not a 2k9 prod u would know that staking was the best cash arguably for mains

29-Dec-2010 16:35:20

Apr Member 2007


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I agree that Jagex has come a long way in development since 2007. I also agree that we will see more bots and RWT will become a huge problem again, agreed it has never fully gone away. Things became harder for them though.
Personally I am against the return of the wildy and free trade as I can only see more problems returning than we currently have. (and yes before the pkers winge, I was around when the wildy was here the first time)
I would be interested to hear how Jagex intend to combat these bots/RWT/Scammers as they have said that new technology exists to do this.
As in my opinion all the Pkers *ant are fresh rich pickings from players who wouldn't normally go into a pk world, I would leave the Revs in the wildy and make them even harder to kill. Lets make it real wild. (If of course its wild you want as you all say)
If the wildy does come back please dont expect skillers to suddenly don their best armour and weapons and go for a stroll in the wildy as you would like, it won't happen.

29-Dec-2010 16:37:33



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Finally, so glad that Jagex has come to their senses, and realized the fact that Botting and Real World Trading is apart of MMORPG gaming, whether we like it or not.
So happy about this one, best christmas present EVER.
:D :D :D :D :D

29-Dec-2010 16:42:53 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2010 16:45:29 by [#38OJHMWGP]

Feb Member 2016


Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Adey32 That is a fair point. But you will be voting on something you have absolutely no idea about. If you played during old wild you would understand how much the game has changed with the new wild, same goes for the free trade. It is something you need to experience, afterall it is gameplay. The other option is for jagex to withdraw this referendum put wildy and freetrade on for 1-2 month trial then allow the population of runescape to vote. This will be mroe accurate, but again no new player will ever have the first hand experience the veteran players experienced.

29-Dec-2010 16:44:04



Posts: 174 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Bots will always be here."
Yes, but certainly in more force if free trade comes back.
== However, more "slave" bots (which transfer resources to a "master" account, like a resource network) will appear than lone bots.
== Falsely increased supply hurts legitimate players. Legit players will be forced to sell their goods for less than they are really worth and make a smaller profit.
== For the same reason as above, new players will need more time to gain a foothold in the RuneScape world, and longer to get to the real meat of the RuneScape experience. (By extension, longer to become a paying member, if at all.)
"RWTers will always be here."
Yes, but certainly in more force if free trade comes back.
== Everything the GE, trade restrictions, and the "new" Wilderness (plus all its offspring projects) worked toward will be reversed entirely. RWTers will have no problem going back to business if free trade returns.
The trade limits are a negligible hassle when gifting. 15 minutes is not that long to wait for the limit to reset. Give a friend the most possible, do a dungeon, give more cash. Rinse and repeat. Being on each other's friends list for a long time only accelerates the process due to the increased trade limit!
Is an item too expensive to gift at once? Two options: 1) balance the trade with cash and/or junk, then give the cash/junk back as the limits allow, or 2) sell the item and gift the cash. The recipient can then buy the item back, from the GE for example, or pick their own gift!
Ultimately, the trade limits do a lot to thwart "slave botters" and RWTers for little impact on legitimate players.
I reluctantly voted yes, by the way. If things go to hell once the vote ends, Jagex can (read "had better" ) make changes to set things right.
*Edited to remove smiley that forum glitched in.
* " + ) = &quot ;)

29-Dec-2010 16:44:37 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2010 16:58:27 by BadEngineer

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 2,252 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
free trade and old wild either both come back or neither lets say they gave back free trade but not wild people can still just give any amount of money and pking be even more dead than it is now.
lets say they bring back the wild and not free trade people could just go in wild die with items and give people there 'free trade'.
if you are worried about the wilderness being dangerous use common since there are plenty of warning signs and a giant ditch there if that doesnt stop you from going in , or you get lured buy saying your get a party hat trick thats your fault.
People who were not at all playing runescape when we had wild wild/free trade should not even have a vote they don't know what its like they shouldn't be saying no that would ruin this game when they have no clue what they are talking about.
I understand why jagex don't want to bring back the wild the RWT and gold farmers i played when they were at the worse like 20 little level 3 bots to a tree i believe that jagex has to of gotten better at detecting these bots taking this out has ruined game for allot of actual players a very small amount do not want it back 8% to be exact 90% yes 2% don't care

29-Dec-2010 16:45:15 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2010 16:51:26 by Bartuc



Posts: 127 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Free Trade has it's pros and cons for me, it would bring back item scamming to new players but there would be no need for junk trading if someone wanted to buy a whip for 500k off
Wilderness for me doesn't look like a good idea, I personally like the Bounty and PvP worlds already. A new player could be lured into the wilderness not knowing what it's about and lose everything

29-Dec-2010 16:47:15

Arumat Thana
Dec Member 2023

Arumat Thana

Posts: 114 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
if any skiller thinks about it the prices went up after the trade limits ur added i remember being able to buy magic logs and yew logs and make them into bows and buy the bowstings and make into buys and sell them and make good profit or even alcing them as well now i dont think u can even break even
@vclovin they do have signs and the wild + the ditch so if noobs get pked its there own fault. its like drinking poison the label says it could harm you or kill you, but if you drink it its not the poison makers fault u used it for an unintended reason

29-Dec-2010 16:49:49 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2010 16:53:35 by Arumat Thana

2OO7 Scape

2OO7 Scape

Posts: 1,000 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bring the wilderness back to every world just hpw it was, it was amazing then :)
Dont ask for 1m+ votes on new voting system :/ come on I cant stress this much more 90% of us want this back, dont make selected wilderness worlds because that will be trash, just like pvp & bh is trash.
Bring this update asap I mean come on... Almost everyone has voted, dont come up with any excuses to stop this update.

29-Dec-2010 16:52:46

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