Power, I factored in 900k voters last night. But, because the RS community doesn't have the time to read on page... 1106-1118, I'll have to repost it...
For all those who say "90% vote yes! it's gonna go through!" should really read this.
11/15 voters on the polls are new players too. So only 4/15 (go simple math!) are players who were around for old PKing to occur, if that. I'm guessing a good 3/15 are players who started prior to '07, which I am one of. Now please, take 90 and multipy (decimal) it by .2 and you get 18. So only 18% of the voters who voted "Yes" are old, experienced players who know what old Pking was about. You CAN'T do the same to the No's because the No's aren't creating bots that create multiple accounts just to vote. So really, it's still a majority for Yes, but how many of the 18% are Pkers who quit after '07? 40%? 80%? If 40, the percent of players who started before '07, and continued to play is only 10.8% That's still a little higher than the Yes. But what about 80% of Pking voters? It's only 3.6%, which is definatly under the No's. But is it really 80%? Probably not. But unless we do a survey, which most would probably lie about knowing its purpose, then we can't know for sure.
So in conclusion, only Jagex knows the true vote of this poll, because they have all the answers to the questions I'm asking. They can easily pull up the records and figuare it out. Then we can really decide who is the true winner. But even then, will Jagex go through with it, knowing how much good as come out of the removal of PKing and Free Trade? Well really, they gave you PKing, just not the old PKing. Actually, scratch that, Bounty Hunting. You've had PKing, and Free Trade from the drops, all along.
So really, there is no point in this update as Jagex has given the PKers what they wanted years ago. End of argument.
03-Jan-2011 16:45:12
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03-Jan-2011 16:47:12