Well to comment on those who think the scamming is the worst part: DON'T HIT THE FINAL TRADE ACCEPTANCE UNTIL YOU LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE TRADING FOR! I't* that simple. All these nooobs these days are, "comon comon comon, give me it faster!! This is too slow." If you thought the Grand Exchange was a slow process, imagine life without it, standing behind varrock bank, spamming "buing dragon long" for an hour only to get your hopes up. It made the game longer! who wants to beat the game in a mear year or two! I'm hoping once the free trade comes back, more people will stand in the old spots of Varrock bank and Seers bank spamming what they want to buy or sell.
And to all those kiddies out there afraid of the wilderness: Just stop crying and play the game. I've lost more than any of the noobs who cry about thinking they are going to lose stuff. It's not fun, it makes you want to quit when you lose stuff, but life goes on. You make more money, you buy more stuff back, and you continue playing.
Oh and @ A Maxi Pad:
Harsh man, but absolutely true.
And @ Dark Reign69:
There can't be worlds just for PKing because the PKers don't like to fight other PKers who are prepared. They like to kill the noobs walking to the rune ore and killing them for all they've got, killing clue scroll people who just finished a clue! Thats why there can't be worlds for only PK.
29-Dec-2010 14:57:35
- Last edited on
29-Dec-2010 15:01:10
Vin Vyin