To all the "Moderators" who disagree with this decision to bring back free trade and wildy.....Are You Serious?
-Let's go back to that eventful day when the makers of Runescape took it away. I was a member at that time and believe me, everyone went mad. Many people quit Runescape and had final drop parties.
-Now fast forward a couple of years. It's not the same. To me, Runescape has become boring. There's no life now. Where's the action! Where is the "Drop Party" that helped build Runescape.
-I would love to see this come back! The excitement and the want to go online for me and many others is no longer there. I'm a huge fan of Gross Gore and I watched one of his youtube videos talking about the free trade and wildy which really got me thinking...check it out: http://***.youtube.***/watch?v=iI4sofN_BiE
Sure they've ramp** up the security and such, but they haven't had any real hands on experience in the past few years with the current bots. Actually they have, RS2Bot, usually slips under their nose with a simple system...
sure,they are,but to be honest its part of all games. get over it. sometimes the sayings of others. thief hates thief aswell.. well.. i'm not saying your a botter coz you hate botters..
oh i got smacked while i was gone did i well done lol
i listed 6 resson not jsut bots so learn to read before you state my only resson is bots ty.
you say i can only see one side but i have said wildy would be fine in worlds you can pick im *** aginst player killing im aginst killing people that dont want to player kill.
you can only see one side you always point at me and say oh im a basd pker or a year 2k10 the fact is i played since classic
my argument is wheres the fun in killing somone whos in 3 iteems in the abyss trying to rc wheres the fun killling someonewhot trying ot mine rune you tell me your great player killer but to me it seems you little scardy cats who dont want to risk things to make money in bh worlds as you might lose.
you want to run around killing people that are not even trying to kill you.
Swag, the opinion of "it was more fun" may be a valid argument, as it was, but it doesn't do anything to solve any of the problems that would be presented if both were reinstated by Jagex.
More player = more money = more jagex employees = more new content = better game = more fun.
Somewhere in there they can probably make a "candy flavored mean land" filled with all the revenants you could imagine. where there would be menacing strangers, who for the right price would tell you how to escape this terrible place. and there would also bee an abundance of resources, so that no botters could ever steal you're hardly worked for resources...
I have a dream... that one day the people who play this game and have no friends will one day be able to wander in so much content that they will not be bothered by those mean evil people who would scam and cheat them in the dreaded wilderness....
I've been scammed, we have all been scammed. But why should we let scamming get in the way of Runescape. Now, I make sure I check my window TWICE and everyone should if it gets reinstated.
More and more ppl are quittin rs because of the drastic updates, nothing else.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein