While I say I dont want because of what I do, that is the same argument for people who do want it back. A large portion of people want it back because they pk, and want to pk. I get hardly anything good from clues anyways, but its the concept if you get what I mean. I dont want to pk, and dont want to be jumped when minding my own business, like I was in the old days.
Revs are dangerous in certain places anyways, such as lv50 wildy when your nowhere near a safespot, poison, teleblock, and high hits. While revs are dangerous, pkers would make it near impossible to do things like clues. They would just sit there waiting. You would be teleblocked, bound, and killed**** 80's could be 1-hit by higher levels. I am lv124 combat, so I doubt I will be one hit, but I am trying to speak for others with my opinion, even those at lower levels.
03-Jan-2011 16:30:44