I personally have voted yes in this, I hated the wilderness (and to a degree still am not that keen on it) However, I would still prefer PK'ers over revs any day.
I only go into the wildy for clue scrolls or other non combat related things, revs have no distinction between players, where as PK'ers at least left me alone (for the most part) when seeing that i wore nothing, and carried little of interest for them.
Free trade is something that I have missed the most, I used to love giving money away to friends if they were in need of it, I have played for a long time and made more than plenty over that time, to give a mil or two away, is of no big ****iquence to my overall cash reserves... for example, before the trade limits came into effect, I gave (my now rl partner) over a mil just because I could lol. I also used to give my son money in game if he wanted to buy stuff and didn't have enough gp for it.
Yes, I know I can currently give them money, but since unlike me they don't like to quest, the limit is somewhat low.
I also hate the way that "merch" clans have manipulated prices so badly. I remember way back when I really wanted a D Chain and had to save up 17.5m for it... 3 years later, it's 5 mil. also in the opposite direction, there was the santa jumping from 11m to 100m... all down to "merch" clans that mess around with all sorts of prices.
Getting free trade back may well help the prices stay firm and stop the manipulation, and that I am looking forward to!
Thank you jagex for finally listening to the players on this matter, it is nice to know that you do think our enjoyment is ultimately important to you.
03-Jan-2011 10:21:51