Let's face it, the old runescape was the best runescape.
the thrill of losing everything you own and practically giving it to your killer for them to reject or accept made the wilderness the wilderness. I havent played rs since 2007, but when i saw this referendum, me and five of my old pking friends in real life made a pact to start back up if it went through.
New players: stay out of the wilderness. . i played from 2004 to 2007 and of course i got scammed, of course i got hacked, of course i got lured into the wild and lost my possessions. that thrill is what drew me in. Its practically gambling. i never quit. free trade and the old wilderness become addictions.
Bots? face it, you can never stop them, but think about it. if every bot in rs was defunct, supply of everything would plummet, and prices would skyrocket. this is a game, not real life. if you would like to play legitimate, go for it. half of the bots pay 6-12 dollars a month for membership, jagex profits. They keep prices moderate on popular items. I don't use them, but i could care less if anyone else bots. it's an accomplishment to say you got a 99 stat legit. a bot is just a bot.
03-Jan-2011 10:04:52